My goal is to help people get the very best out of their creative career, thrive in the freelance life and tell the very best stories they can – about themselves and the world around them. I love stories. As a TV producer I’ve had the privilege to tell stories all across the globe. I’ve seen TV shows change the way people think, worked with world leaders in their field and witnessed the power of personal transformation. But I’ve also seen people in the creative field flounder, struggle with where they’re going or burn out. At the same time practical, industry focused support for those wanting to come into the field was limited. I wanted to do something about it. In 2020 I started post-grad study in Career Counselling and co-founded Media Mentors. I’m using my decades of professional production experience, and my new learning, to build a business that will supports creatives to make content they love and thrive professionally and emotionally in their chosen career. It’s sometimes tougher than a tricky edit but it’s always satisfying to see someone’s self-worth reflect their actual value. |